There are going to be quite a few different options available to you when you are first looking at a gold price graph.
So you’re obviously going to want to learn about all of the different things that you’ll find on this graph so that you know what you are looking at and so you’ll understand how to read it.
I’m going to explain the different components to you right now.
The first thing you’re obviously going to find on a graph like this is the price of gold.
But you’ll find the price of gold in a few different ways because this particular graph tells you the gold spot price in real time, but it also provides the various prices in different parts of the world.
This is very important because gold trades in different currencies and sells at different prices and you’ll want to know the price in each region in case you happen to be buying from that particular area.
So the areas you’ll be able to get the price of gold are Sydney Australia, London England, New York City and Hong Kong China.
It’s also good to know these different prices because a good arbitrage trader might be able to find an anomaly where they can buy gold at one particular price and end up selling that same gold in a different market for a much higher price.
This happens because of the currency exchange rates and the fact that gold might be selling a lot higher in one area then in another.
I’m not saying you have to trade this way, but seeing the different prices like this gives you that option.
You are also going to be able to see the various spot prices of gold throughout the entire day at all different times.
The graph will show you what time a particular price of gold happens to be at any given time of the day.
This is good to know because it shows you the various fluctuations throughout the day and it might present some really cool trading opportunities.
So this is basically what you’re going to find on a gold price graph.